Monday, October 15, 2012

Fun With Erasure Poems

In class today, we began to introduce Erasure poems. I happen to find this type of poetry as one of my favorite varieties. I love how a completely new meaning can be found from a conversation (or transcript in this case) by pulling words out of context. From my interview transcript, I actually made a few of my own with titles. The part of my transcript I used was basically small talk after the bulk of the interview was conducted. The topics consisted of my family personally, New Trier Soccer as well as a few others. For the sake of space, please select, read more to see my work.

Rise Against
so… because everything is here for you guys. Everything. You’ve got safety, you’ve got a great environment, you’ve got the best teachers around, you’ve got the best supporting staff, principals, everybody,  it’s there. Sports, like I said earlier, everything is there for you guys. Your homefront. I saw your mom last time, smiling. Bringing you here, she was very pleasant, everything starts from the house, to move up to where you are today. If you are miserable at home, where would you be, Andrew? That’s what I say to a lot of kids over here, how good they really have it… Have you ever seen the commercial with the AfricanAmerican grandpa and the boy drinking, the boy says, Grandpa, the kids got it made today. The Grandpa says, yea, that’s what I’m talking about. That’s where it’s at, man…. You can have the most connections in the world, but if you don’t know what you’re talking about, where are you going to go? The foundation is the house, the foundation is the homefront and is the most critical foundation. You know, you go home as a young boy, your mother, your father, slaps you a high five those are, versus, you go home and your father says get out of my way, or something like that, you know what I’m saying. All of my kids, you know, I try to spend time with them, I try to advise them,  I try to spend time with them outside of sports, even at home, watch a movie, play a golf game with them, take him out golfing, go for a drive, go see a movie, go out to dinner, try to spend a little time and if you’ve never been to a restaurant before, would you know how to act if you went to a restaurant today? The experiences as you go on in life, they’re there. You go to a restaurant and order Mexican food, you’ve never been to a Mexican restaurant before, so you don’t know what to order, but if you’ve been to a mexcian restaurant a different time, of course, that comes with financial liberty, you know, you’re not going to go every day out to a
Be a Hero
restaurant. But the more you’re exposed to what’s around the school it’s like an education, everything is an education, all the way around. From the homefront, socially and economically.
You know, If you’ve never picked up a baseball before, you wouldn’t know what a baseball was, wow what’s this? Things you get introduced to in life. A lot of things that our country and especially in the area that we live in here, everything you get introduced to at a young age. Young people, they just have to take advantage of it. You (directed to me) have got an iPhone here, you can call your mom, you can see your mom, whatever, it’s a beautiful thing.
What do you guys have going? Fairbairn said they (our soccer team) lost six starters and four, injured. And I said, coach, somehow you welded a team together, and you guys are going to do fine. Did you play last week? Stepped up? The one thing I was going to tell you when I saw the something, and when you go out, you got to go out with balls, man. Oh, yea, go right out and punch the ball away. That way, you’re showing the authority in the back. You’ve got to go up (for high balls) with authority. When you make a move, you’ve got to go up 100%. You make the decision to go out for the ball, you’ve got to go out. Sometimes, you can backtrack, whatever, but when you make a decision, just got 100%, man. Punch the ball out, grab it, do whatever, you just have to go strong. Like I said earlier, when you’re in that box, you’re the boss of the box. From that little post there, to the other little post there, you’re in control, and when you see a player not doing what they’re supposed to do, you’ve got to get them to where you want. Whether that’s the short post, or in the wall, you’ve got to dictate authority, you’ve got to come out, solid. You know, I saw you, and you played good, but a couple of others, one,
Manning the Nets
principle, everything you know turns out to be part of the growing up process. I even tell my own kids that: confidence. With confidence, you have to show that you have control of what you are doing. You are the goalkeeper for New Trier. You have to have control of what you are doing. (Niko) did good. He did good. I feel he made the right choice (going to academy), but you know, the opportunity arises and now you’ve got to take advantage of it. You know, the three other goalkeepers decided to move on, which gave an opportunity to other goalkeepers, who may not have made (varsity) otherwise. So what do you do? Take advantage of it. Because opportunities are given, connections are true, also you don’t get too many opportunities. The other two starting goalkeepers didn’t come back, so the opportunity arose for 2 new goalkeepers, you and J.J. (other varsity goalkeeper). Now sectionals are coming up and you’ve got to step up again. An opportunity arises, and you’ve got to take advantage of it. Not only this year, but next year also. You can prove yourself to be the guy, you have been doing a good job, but this is just another opportunity. Manchester United lost 3-2 to Tottenham. Personally, I like the way Bayern Munich plays, they’re fast, all of them, Chelsea, Tottenham. I like all of the premiere ship teams. What they say is being tall, it doesn’t matter, it’s about the control and touch. Oh, I’ve got to go to the crosswalk now. See you later.

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