Every year we hold Thanksgiving- and all major holidays for that matter- at my Grandma's house in Glenview. Something I never really thought about though, are the longstanding traditions within the celebration.
As many may know, football is a huge facet of Thanksgiving. Every single year, one can expect to find multiple daytime games broadcasted. As I was watching these games this year, I couldn't help but notice who was and wasn't in the room with me. Of the 4 males at the party (Me, my Dad and 2 Uncles) all were watching the games. Of the 5 females there (Mom, Sister, Cousin, Grandma and Aunt) none were watching the game. In fact, every female there had either made something for the dinner, or was making something in preparation.
It really got me thinking. The men were the ones relaxing, watching football and simply waiting for the food to be put on the table. Put on the table though and made tirelessly, by the women. Women prepare the food, men devour it.
I'm almost positive that this is the case for most of the American population on Thanksgiving. Is this the case with your Thanksgiving celebration? What does it say about us as a nation? How do women feel about this assignment? Please let me know your thoughts!