Saturday, November 24, 2012

All Too Common Thanksgiving

Now that I can finally start to process my thoughts again after my food induced coma, something really struck me during my family's Thanksgiving celebration.

Every year we hold Thanksgiving- and all major holidays for that matter- at my Grandma's house in Glenview. Something I never really thought about though, are the longstanding traditions within the celebration. 

As many may know, football is a huge facet of Thanksgiving. Every single year, one can expect to find multiple daytime games broadcasted. As I was watching these games this year, I couldn't help but notice who was and wasn't in the room with me. Of the 4 males at the party (Me, my Dad and 2 Uncles) all were watching the games. Of the 5 females there (Mom, Sister, Cousin, Grandma and Aunt) none were watching the game. In fact, every female there had either made something for the dinner, or was making something in preparation. 

It really got me thinking. The men were the ones relaxing, watching football and simply waiting for the food to be put on the table. Put on the table though and made tirelessly, by the women. Women prepare the food, men devour it. 

I'm almost positive that this is the case for most of the American population on Thanksgiving. Is this the case with your Thanksgiving celebration? What does it say about us as a nation? How do women feel about this assignment? Please let me know your thoughts!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Enough is Enough

When is enough, enough?

Today in the Gaza Strip, deadly Israeli attacks were carried out. At least 11 people were killed; 9 of which were women and children.

One child casualty in Gaza Strip (
The deadly conflict between Hamas and Israel is reaching a point of absolute insanity. For the fifth straight day, Israel has attacked Hamas with missiles, warplanes and naval vessels. These attacks in defense from Hamas attacks. (For more information here is the New York Times article). Although in defense and obviously inadvertently, Israeli forces killed women and children.

As stated previously, just today, at least 11 people were killed and at least 9 of those were women and children. I'm no mathematician, but that equates to at least 81% of the deceased being either a woman or a child civilian.

This is unacceptable.

If these attacks were carried out in the United States, the deaths of defenseless women and children civilians would be an absolute outcry. I feel that protecting women and children is a strong facet of the American system of beliefs. Children represent the future and women are needed to birth those children. Without them, the very progressive and forward thinking nation in which we live in today would be losing a part of our futures.

For who truly knows? Children killed could have turned out to be President had they not been, or the next Steve Jobs, or even created the next Facebook. The possibilities are truly infinite.

Women who are killed are a vital part in creating a child. Without them, there isn't even the possibility of the previously listed opportunities for children.

Because of the progressive mindset of Americans, the deaths of women and children civilians would absolutely not be tolerated. Tying back into the Hamas-Israeli conflict occurring now, it will be interesting to see whether or not the same mentality will apply over the deaths of the women and children civilians killed today in the Gaza Strip.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Celebrate the Election

The Election is this Tuesday, and all I've been hearing and seeing on Radio and TV commercials are campaign ads. Bashing other candidates, promoting themselves or telling the public who the right selection is has been constant. Even the public in support of a certain candidate can get nasty with each other.

Although obviously a winner must be chosen to lead the United States of America, the presidential election should be a time for celebration of the democratic format instead of a nation-splitting decision. Taken for granted at times is how lucky Americans truly are to be able to express their desires for their leader. As shown by the included map below, many countries around the world do not have the same political rights and civil liberties that we take for granted at times. 

Red=Not-Free,Yellow=Partly-Free, Green=Free

I really think it is common for us Americans to look past the fact that the Presidential election is a celebration of free expression and voice due to the prospects of winning. In my opinion, most Americans forget how important and unique their right to vote is while enveloped in the prospects of their ideal candidate winning. This trait of Americans I have actually seen relatively often. Whenever winning something or being the best at something comes into play, it seems as though everything else in one's life takes a backseat role. In sports, a workplace or even in school, Americans are so focused on winning and being the best that basic rights others may not have, like voting, are taken for granted.